networkp258: dog

female 32 y/o India

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  • 5 Sep 2021 at 08:14am
    With an increasing number of serious incidents being reported at dog parks, the well-run, Private Dog Park provides the safe alternative. Read more to learn how you select the best place to exercise and socialize your dog. Mini Whoodle
  • 1 Sep 2021 at 04:04am
    We all grew up with the same idea of how dogs work: they use physical force to fight to be the alpha, to submit competing dogs in the pack. This notion is so engraved in our psyche that in English, being the top dog means that you are the most 'dominant' around. Even people who have no interest in anything dog-related will have undoubtedly heard about the importance of being dominant, the pack-leader, the alpha.
  • 14 Aug 2021 at 04:39am
    With an increasing number of serious incidents being reported at dog parks, the well-run, Private Dog Park provides the safe alternative. Read more to learn how you select the best place to exercise and socialize your dog. Mini Whoodle
  • 30 Mar 2021 at 04:09am
    Many average trainers teach "average group classes," charge you an "average price" and have, well... that "average" knowledge and skill about dogs, dog training, dog behavior and canine psychology. Most owners who don't know better or who don't really care about these facts, just settle with such trainers and end up with "average results" or even worse-NO RESULTS-in training their dogs! Pet Vitamin Supplements