zxcvb: 在「詩樂年華」中感受音樂之美


26 Apr 2024 at 12:32am






  古典詩詞與當代音樂碰撞,完美融合了詩詞精華與音樂氣韻,賦予古韻新的生命力。合唱節期間也上演了作曲家羅麥朔的兩首作品,其中《觀滄海》選自其17號作品《步出夏門行》,歌詞來自曹操同名組詩。 《觀滄海》全曲採用密集的三連音伴奏織體,從詩人眼中所見之景滄海澹澹、浩渺澎湃,描繪至其心中所想日月明耀、星漢燦爛,意味悠長。







  • 10 Aug 2023 at 11:22pm
    The potential negative impacts of globalization are educationally concerned in various types of political, economic, and cultural colonization and overwhelming influences of advanced countries to developing countries and rapidly increasing gaps between rich areas and poor areas in different parts of the world. The first impact is increasing the technological gaps and digital divides between advanced countries and less developed countries that are hindering equal opportunities for fair global sharing. 棄置傢俬
  • 20 Aug 2023 at 04:54am
    What is new and what is happening in your vicinity, in your region, in your country and across the world is news. The news segment is a revenue generation sector that is a source of employment to millions of people across the world. 棄置傢俬
  • 23 Aug 2023 at 09:15am
    Accept it - in an age where news spreads through social media like twitter, Facebook or other channels as fast as fingers can type, news articles are no more the primary source of learning breaking news, even though some articles may be classified in that category. Today's news articles are more opinionated than journalistic, because the journalism gets published in real time through rss feeds and social media. 英文補習
  • 20 Sep 2023 at 10:13am
    This article is just the basics for getting started in real estate investing. This is not a how to article but an article that gives you some information about things to do to get started. Everything in this article is tools that can be applied to helping anyone get started in real estate investing. 棄置傢俬
  • 3 Oct 2023 at 05:55am
    There is some exciting news for foreign investors due to recent geo-political developments and the emergence of several financial factors. This coalescence of events, has at its core, the major drop in the price of US real estate, combined with the exodus of capital from Russia and China. Among foreign investors this has suddenly and significantly produced a demand for real estate in California. 補習社
  • 19 Oct 2023 at 09:33am
    There is some exciting news for foreign investors due to recent geo-political developments and the emergence of several financial factors. This coalescence of events, has at its core, the major drop in the price of US real estate, combined with the exodus of capital from Russia and China. Among foreign investors this has suddenly and significantly produced a demand for real estate in California. 棄置傢俬

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